WILD: The Movie

It’s finally here! The movie, WILD, based on Cheryl Strayed’s award-winning book , is out! Not only is it an awesome motion picture, but it also showcases the beauty and impact of one of America’s national treasures – the Pacific Crest Trail . Watch Cheryl Strayed’s call to action below, and the movie trailer, and let’s get talking about the PCT!

“It’s up to us to make sure this national treasure is available now and for future generations, because if we don’t, nobody will.” Cheryl says.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHTnU6IsUGI]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn2-GSqPyl0]

Love the PCT? Inspired by Cheryl? Donate now. PCTA is the only organization dedicated to preserving the entire Pacific Crest Trail and the experiences it provides so that you and others have a wild place for personal reflection.

  1. Donate today.
  2. Like and share this video with your friends. (Here it is on Facebook .)
  3. Check out our #ResponsiblyWILD site .

“Every time I set foot on that trail, I feel grateful for the PCTA for doing the work it does to protect and preserve it” – Cheryl Strayed

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