Alice Unchained

My recent blog on Just How Deep Is This Rabbit Hole , inspired a friend of mine to put the finishing touches on a poem she has been working for about five years. I enjoyed it at the same time I related the struggle and the new found freedom that lies at its end. Many of you will recognize her references to various terms we use around Lifestream. I reprint it here with her permission

Alice Unchained
By Betty Tormino

Twisting, turning, stomach churning,
Mama’s got a brand new bag?
Twirling, whirling dervish, yearning,
When can I remove the gag?

Down the rabbit hole I’m tumbling,
Where’s the light I used to know?
Icarus with feathers crumbling,
Will the Father really show?

Red pill, blue pill, sounds like Whoville‚
Is this where I want to land?
My voice, my choice, hopes that I will
Find myself within his hand.

Falling, calling, mind is stalling,
Ignorance is really bliss?
Searching, lurching, questions perching,
Oblivion deserves my kiss?

Flailing, sailing, headache wailing,
Father’s just a hope away?
Bottom’s coming, senses numbing,
Fear is love that’s gone astray?

Fog is lifting, burdens shifting,
Formulas are working here?
Truth is that I’m wheat for sifting,
Now my nakedness is clear.

Sudden landing finds me standing
Looking for the exit sign.
Now appearing, mirror searing,
This reflection is it mine?

Image melting, metal smelting,
What remains after the dross?
Like a Dali painting folly,
Will my life survive the loss?

Doorway beckons within seconds
Bidding me to enter in.
Path to follow, leaves me hollow,
NATO* journey now begins?

New life starting, old one parting,
Paradigm has made a shift?
Human efforts gone like Stepfords,
Trusting Him will mend the rift.

Daisy picking, petals drifting,
Suddenly is child‚s play.
Time for walking, shut up talking,
Mind’s renewing everyday.

Daily teaching, his love reaching
Helping me to grow in Him.
Five years cresting, Alice resting,
Getting it‚ is sinking in.

Now I’m dialing, calling, flying,
Hoping that the plugged in hear.
Love that’s freeing, living, breathing,
The rabbit hole’s no place to fear.

(NATO: not attached to outcome)

© Copyright 2005 by Betty Tormino
Used With Permission

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