Our Help In Kenya

I recently received an email from my dear brother and friend in Kenya, Michael. It seems The Jesus’ Lens is having quite an impact over there. That blesses me a lot, because that is a major reason why we went to the time and expense to video record that nine-hour teaching on reading the Scriptures as a story so that people will come out with a cohesive view of the God behind the Scripture. Because people haven’t seen Scripture as a story of God’s unfolding revelation of himself, culminating in Jesus, too many fail to understand that there were many misconceptions of God throughout history that God continued to invite humanity to see past. That’s why so many Christians see God as an offended deity rather than a loving Abba. Religion seems to have a vested interest in keeping people afraid of God, rather than inviting them into the revelation of his love.

Remember much of Africa labors under false views of God, used to sustain the power of leaders who want their people to be fearful of God’s punishment so they will work hard for him. That’s why this letter was such a blessing:

Receive wonderful greetings again in Jesus’ name. Thank you very much for your support. We have received more thanksgiving from every corner on how The Jesus’ Lens has transformed the lives of people. This is amazing grace! My brother you may not be here with us, but your teaching from the far corner of the world, God has anointed to bring healing and deliverance in our lives. I have just returned to the office and after reading all the testimonies from others around the country who have been touched by your teaching, I cried. I am amazed at what the Holy Spirit is doing across the nations of Africa. We thank God that he joined us together for this time of restoring what the devil has stolen for such a long time on this continent. God is restoring at this time and we praise him more and more

Sometimes when you plant the seed you never know the impact. I have seen more transformation in my life and more revelation, which God himself is adding in my life and so many other brothers and sisters so that we can become more like him. This is not a group of people under an organization, but brothers and sisters who have come together for one purpose of building relationships with one another. This is the church Jesus himself is building around the globe–the called ones, chosen before the foundation of the world. Africa has walked for generations without true direction, but just under the oppressor, which is religion. This false teaching has taken the entire continent into captivity, calling the church an institution and creating titles of position that have created a stronghold in our nation to keep us from God. He is having his own way of restoring this continent back to him again. May the lord God bless you from Kenya.

It sounds to me like they are seeing God in a way that will transform them in his love. How awesome is that? I’m so grateful that God is making this increasingly clear to them. Here are some photos of people discussing The Jesus Lens in small group settings:

Our Help In Kenya

I also received an appeal from the folks at the orphanage. We already send $3,000.00 per month to help keep the orphanage operational and the staff paid. To date, we have not received enough contributions per month for that need, so Lifestream continues to cover that out of the extra God has made available to us. In addition, however, there’s a need for new mattresses and bedding. Many of the children still struggle with bedwetting and their mattresses have taken a toll, as seen in some of these photos below. We need 80 sets of mattresses, blankets, and sheets at a cost of$33.00 per child. If you can help with one or more of these (3 kids for $100.00, or all of them for $2600.00), please see the information at the end of this posting as to how you can help. Any contributions will be a blessing, and every dime of what you send will end up benefiting one of these children.

Our Help In Kenya
The bedding has seen better days
Our Help In Kenya
One of the older children
Our Help In Kenya
The children we are trying to help.

If you feel called to help us support these children either with a one-time contribution, or a monthly donation, we (and they) would be grateful. If you want to know more about this project or the AIDs recovery home we also support in South Africa, you can see our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560-1 Newbury Rd #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.

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