Facebook Prioritizes Friends Above Music With Latest Algorithm Change

Facebook Prioritizes Friends Above Music With Latest Algorithm Change

The social networking revolution has forged a new connectionbetween musicians and fans equally, making it more direct than even before, so when key players like Facebook change the nature of this connection, the impact can be significant. Hence, the music community was paying attention this week following the news that Facebook is changing its algorithms once again.

It was confirmed in a blog post this week that posts from friends and family—which, according to Facebook, its users are more “likely to care about”—will be prioritized at the top of news feeds. This means they will take precedence over updates from your favorite DJ/producer or music blog, for instance.

“We’ve heard from our community that people are still worried about missing important updates from the friends they care about… So we are updating News Feed over the coming weeks so that the things posted by the friends you care about are higher up in your News Feed.”

“Overall, we anticipate that this update may cause reach and referral traffic to decline for some Pages.”

Read more about the changes over at the Facebook newsroom .

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