Lessons from rafting the Grand Canyon: for anglers

Lessons from rafting the Grand Canyon: for anglers
Steelhead caught by fly fisher and released on Grande Ronde River, Washington. (Rich Landers)

ADVENTURING -- My recent multi-week winter rafting-hiking adventure on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon ( see story here ) prompts a few hints to people planning similar river trips as well as to anglers planning multi-day trips to places such as Alaska:

CARE FOR YOUR HANDS. River trips suck the moisture out of your skin, especially your hands. I've come home with cracked, bleeding hands after week-long float-fishing trips in Alaska, my fingers so sore it was difficult to stuff a sleeping bag in its sack.

Colorado River rafters emphasize this point and recommend preventive treatment.

Based on a recommendation from an experienced Canyon boater, I started using ProKera lotion (available at RiteAid stores) twice a day several days before we launched.

During the trip, I wore paddling gloves as much as possible while on the boat and especially while loading and tending bow lines.

And I applied the extreme-care ProKera lotion two or three times a day. This is the kind of lotion (Tiger Balm also works well) that takes several minutes of rubbing to absorb into your hands. The time is well spent. My hands came out of the desert river trip in excellent condition.

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