Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

It’s debateable whether Gillespies Beach can still be called a ‘hidden secret’, but on the day we visited, it certainly gave that impression. Just 25km from Fox Glacier, the views and tracks on this walk will cleanse your mind, I promise.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

After leaving the carpark, we walked into a wide track with flax on either side. What you see in the background of this photo is not old rubbish – in fact it’s a part of history that shows how people once lived in these parts and rusted old machinery becomes part of a beautiful landscape.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

Further on you’ll pass the most amazing display of punga ferms. But it’s not until you reach the clearing leading out onto the beach, that the full impact of this beautiful place really hits you.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

And this blue-skied day is enough to induce a middle-aged woman to try out her yoga moves. It was so easy getting the leg up…not so much getting it down. The surf competed with a few dramatic moves of it’s own. You’ll probably get a better impression of this special place by looking at this short video clip

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

Today, Michael and I have agreed to set our own pace. He of the long legs sprinted ahead along this expansive beach and I trotted happily along with a much shorter stride. I love photos like this next one, showing my sweetheart enjoying his thoughts, comfortable in his own space.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

At the end of the beach lay a beautiful track that took us us along a fairly newish boardwalk and it provided stunning views on so many levels.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

As I looked down from the boardwalk to the lagoon below, I was surprised to see that the water was a reddish colour and the river floor appeared to glow like burning embers. It was truly beautiful. Apparently the reason for this strange colour is the result of acid being excreted from the surrounding native bush.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

Once off the boardwalk we entered a beautiful track leading to the miners tunnel. Michael had been reminiscing about past visits and it’s just how he remembered it. That’s a good thing!

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

Looking back from the tunnel is a beautiful land form. The incredible amount of effort and time it must have taken to manually create 50 metres of tunnel and so far from civilisation. Here’s another short video clip to show (this one is better) that we’re definitely not exaggerating!

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

Out on front on the small viewing platform, the views are beautiful and we didn’t have to share it with anyone.

Gillespies Beach near Fox Glacier

As always, I’m reluctant to leave places like this. You find yourself becoming part of the environment, blending in and disengaging from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Happy Travelling.

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