Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon

I always thought that the honeymoon was just a holiday but after getting married I realised how important it was. With all the planning, the emotions and the big day itself I was shattered. You need a holiday! Today Our Graceful Bride plans her honeymoon. Take it away Vicky.

Our Graceful Bride Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon

The Honeymoon,

Now I love Rob and we’ve had some great holidays both in the UK and abroad, but when it comes to some aspects of travel we are massively at different ends of the spectrum! I love to travel, I’ve lived in the UK, France and New Zealand and was fortunate enough to travel all over the world with my parents. It’s a really hard feeling to describe to people but if I go too long without going somewhere I get really unhappy. My job helps a bit with this as the view we get is pretty much second to none but it’s still not the same as I only ever get half an hour sat on a bit of Tarmac that looks the same as every other bit of Tarmac! So if there’s one area that we are not compatible it’s this!! Rob, bless him, just doesn’t get it. He likes being home, he’s not a huge fan of flying (haha) and attempting to get him to take time off work is nigh on impossible. I literally feel the need to always be planning a holiday, he doesn’t understand why we need to go anywhere when the honeymoon is booked for October and we went away last year! Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon
When it does come to our holidays Rob generally wants to have the option to do stuff other than lounge on a beach so as soon as I started thinking honeymoon I went for it, like I needed reigning in! I was island hopping in Tahiti, heading somewhere to the east of Bali I’d never heard of, jungle trekking through Borneo to see orangutans, staying on a private island in the Seychelles and basically wanting to go to every island in the South Pacific! So when Rob said he wanted to go somewhere we could relax and do nothing and didn’t really want to take 4 flights to get there (spoil sport) I was a bit thrown. Trouble with October/November time is you really need to go Southern Hemisphere or East and if you mention anywhere slightly odd (read possibility you might die from some tropical disease) then he’s not a fan. So we’ve ended up not being very adventurous at all and have gone for the very beautiful but slightly cliche Maldives. Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon
So then came the hard part for me, bartering. I’m useless at it, I panic and don’t like doing it, I’d much rather Rob did it but if it’s me then I can use the “I work in the industry” line, cheesy as it is. I must say though I was quite proud of myself and I went for it, got a variety of quotes from different companies and then pushed them down until we got pretty much to our original budget. The relief when it was over though! Every time the phone pinged with an email I was ready to collapse just in case if all backfired on me! But I am proof that it does work so give it a go, I think we saved around £1000 from doing it. Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon
So for now I’ll continue to bug him to go away for more holidays (if I mention Costa Rica enough he’s surely gotta give in right?!?) and have found the perfect compromise, he stays home looking after the dog, I go abroad with my parents (yes I’m a 30 year old woman who enjoys holidaying with my mum and dad, we’ve already been away twice so far this year)!  Although I’ve got my way with the honeymoon a little bit coz technically we’re taking 3 flights to get to the hotel, although one of them is a seaplane so it’s not so bad :-D Bride To Be Diaries: Our Graceful Bride Plans Her Honeymoon
Who else is a little envious of Vicky’s honeymoon? It sounds like its going to be beautiful, relaxing and a bit of a bargain. Lucky Lady! ~ Kate

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