Puddle Jumping at Spanish Banks

Puddle Jumping at Spanish Banks

Photo: R. Weiss

When is the last time you jumped in a puddle? Wholeheartedly, unabashedly, jumped in with both feet? Clearly the “Wet Coast” rains have arrived. As Vancouverites, we can choose to stay inside or we can embrace the inevitable and enthusiastically pull on our boots and seek out those puddles. There is no reason to stop walking just because the rainy season is here.

The Seaside Greenway, from Spanish Banks to Locarno Beach is a tremendous place to walk and an even better place to puddle jump. Located near prestigious Point Grey, the University of British Columbia and Pacific Spirit Park, Spanish Banks is composed of three different sections. Did I mention the parking is free? At low tide you can almost reach out and touch a tanker or two. The vastness of the beach is beautiful and humbling. Mysterious and delightful patterns form in the sand as the wind and waves pass over the beach and many a photographer will attempt to capture the moment.

Puddle Jumping at Spanish Banks

Photo: R. Weiss

During the winter months there is a certain freshness to the beach. Throughout the summer the volleyball courts and picnic tables are packed, the concessions are busy and the pathway is full, but in the winter the crowds dwindle and there is a sense of calm in the air. This past weekend, as I observed people stroll the pathway and navigate the puddles, it struck me that this walk was like a metaphor for life. Many of us duck, dodge and navigate our way around the puddles while others bravely jump in and barge through. I wondered if it was time for me to pull on my boots and puddle jump.

Puddle Jumping at Spanish Banks

Photo: R. Weiss

Looking to extend your walk? The 28km Seaside Greenway runs from Spanish Banks to the Stanley Park Seawall. I can only imagine the number of puddles you will find! Naturally, after a long, wet winter walk nothing beats a superb cup of Joe. Fortunately for us you don’t have to search far in Vancouver to find a warm and cozy coffee shop. Now where do I leave my umbrella?

Puddle Jumping at Spanish Banks

Photo: R. Weiss

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