A Total Game Changer

Some emails really do make my day….

I was an honors graduate from the seminary at Regent University and spent 15 years in pastoral ministry. I had given up a successful career as a television writer-producer to enter seminary. I was sure God knew of this major sacrifice and that He would, therefore, bless my life in ministry. However, for several reasons, 11 years ago, I merged my church with another and left vocational ministry. I now realize that I was under the huge burden of performance based acceptance and that I was teaching it to my own flock and, even worse, my own children.

I wanted to let you know that your book, He Loves Me , has had the deepest impact of all in transforming my heart and renewing my mind. Do you want to know how many times I’ve read HE LOVES ME over the past 2 years? I’ve read it all the way through 15 times!  As soon as I complete it, I begin reading it again, only 1 – 2 segments each morning. Its the first thing I do each day and I always look forward to it. God has spoken deeply to my heart about this book. Yes, I’ve read other fine books that also present these truths and they are wonderful. But He Loves Me is, to me, the foundational book of all of them. I have been through a career change in the past year, while also going through the steps of proceeding toward the divorce my wife wants. So money has been in short supply. So, to share this message the best I can, I have been buying used copies of He Loves Me onine. I keep them in my car. And, as God directs me, I am able to give copies to the individuals He points out to me.

Wayne, I expect to keep reading He Loves Me until they lay me in my final resting place. Second only to the Bible, it is a real book of life. I have grown more and more comfortable focusing on elements of my own life as being opportunities for God to glorify Himself in me. I have read a few of your other books and they also have wonderfully explained truths. But He Loves Me is just different. (Believe me, brother, I rarely read ANY book more than once. I’m just not a reader. There is something deeply spiritual that reveals itself in childlike simplicity. So, clearly, the Holy Spirit directed your writing of it.) I get new insights from He Loves Me everytime I read it!  And each person I give it to tells me how wonderful it is!

My son is a successful Christian rock guitarist with a band that has a strong Gospel message mainly aimed at young people on the fringe of society. Though I had raised my children under the Law, I asked him as my Father’s Day gift this year to read He Loves Me and then let us discuss it. When we had our discussion, his first remark was, “Dad, this is a total game changer.”

I am absolutely certain that, like myself, there are thousands of others whose lives are being transformed every single day by the work God continues to do through you. I wanted to thank you for enduring the many, many struggles you and your family must have faced over the years in letting God send this message through you.

While I’m saddened by a lot of the pain I read between the lines, I want to thank you for taking the time to write. I’m amazed at how this book has been so helpful in shaping a new journey for you. Father’s affection is an amazing reality that rewrites just about everything in our lives. And just because I was blessed so mcuh I’m going to send you a free case of He Loves Me books to help in your sharing with others.  And for those interested, He Loves Me is also avaiable in Spanish .

And if you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet, some of our books at Lifestream may be a real inspiration to your family and friends, especially A Man Like No Other . That book flew off the table this weekend while I was in Orange County with its fascinating pictures from the life of Jesus and text to stimulate thought about just who this Jesus was as he lived among us.

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