Kootenai River watershed of B.C., Mont., Idaho cited as endangered

Kootenai River watershed of B.C., Mont., Idaho cited as endangered
A fly fisher works his way into the Elk River near Fernie, British Columbia, where fishing for cutthroat trout and bull trout is in its prime during autumn. (Rich Landers)

FISHING -- Of concern to anglers:

B.C., Idaho, Montana river watershed on American Rivers' endangered list

Five open-pit coal mines in the Fernie-area Elk River watershed, a major tributary of the Kootenai River, an international watershed that covers 18,000 square miles in British Columbia, Montana and Idaho, were cited by American Rivers for ranking the Kootenai River among the most endangered in the United States.

The group is urging its 100,000 members to write Secretary of State John Kerry to use the International Joint Commission to protect the river.    -- Toronto Globe and Mail

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