Idaho Fish and Game chats online with hunters

Idaho Fish and Game chats online with hunters
Gunner, a yellow Lab, does his job and lets his owner, Steve Croston, know he's ready for more retrieves during filming of the Working Man's Retriever TV series, featuring Dan Hosford, professional dog trainer from Medical Lake, Wash. (Kathy Plonka)

SPORTSMEN ONLINE -- Idaho Fish and Game officials sat down Friday with 158 waterfowl hunters from all over the state, answering their quesstions about waterfowl hunting and management -- and nobody had to leave their officer or home.

The agency's first online chat. For example:

Comment from Duckhunter:

Will Idaho ever move to a split season for water fowl hunting?

IFG's Waterfowl biologist JEFF KNETTER:

It is entirely possible that Idaho could have a split season; however, when we conducted a survey of Idaho waterfowl hunters in July, 75% of survey respondents favored a continuous season.

Click here to scroll through a replay of the first chat, which covered waterfowl rules, biology, management and issues.

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