Giving life jackets a plug

Giving life jackets a plug
Cabela's in Post Falls lured 58 humans and one dog to don lifejackets on May 21 to celebrate Ready, Set, Wear It!
(Kristi Blaver)

WATERSPORTS -- As a reminder for the spike in boating activity for the Memorial Day Weekend, the Post Falls Cabela's store joined the sixth annual Ready, Set, Wear It! campaign to encourage boaters to wear life jackets while on the water.

"We had participants come to the store this morning to don life jackets to raise awareness of boating safety and attempt to break the world record for most life jackets worn at one time," said Kristi Blaver, store spokeswoman. "We had 58 human participants and 1 dog to add to the total count!

Last year the campaign had 10,917 participants in PFDs at one time in 257 events worldwide.

The National Safe Boating Council and Canadian Safe Boating Council sponsor this international event, which is part of the yearlong Wear It! campaign to promote boating safety and voluntary, consistent wear of life jackets.

“Ready, Set, Wear It! has increased worldwide awareness around boating safety and voluntary, consistent wear of life jackets,” said John Gullick, chair of the Canadian Safe Boating Council. “We believe wearing a life jacket is the simplest life-saving strategy during recreational water activities.”

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