Festival Camping Basics

Festival Camping Basics

It’s no secret ENO loves festivals, and festivals love hammocks ! But you may need to pack more than just your trusty DoubleNest to get through 4 days of mud, blazing sun and not many showers.

Here’s a quick list of festival camping basics. Feel free to print it off and use as a checklist while you’re preparing!

Code Red Items!

? Festival tickets!

? Valid picture ID.

? Directions and the correct address of the festival site.

? Money (try not to bring excessive amounts of cash – you don’t want it getting lost/stolen.)

? Keys (and somewhere safe to stash them so you can get home again )

? Shelter – leaving the house without your tent and hammock will make you sad. Don’t forget a sleeping bag!

? Phone – staying in communication with the group you traveled with is a must.

? Cooking items and food.

So you look good…

? A raincoat – the North Face Venture Jacket is a great, affordable and eco-consious option.

? Rain boots – if you get the right pair, you look good and stay dry.

? Sunglasses – protect those peepers! Consider a hat as well.

? T-shirts, shorts and something warm – it might not stay warm 24/7.

? Underwear.

? Sleeping clothes.

So you feel good…

? Travel size tooth brush and tooth paste.

? Deodrant

? Towel – on the off chance you get a shower and/or get stuck in a rainstorm.

? Travel size shampoo/conditioner – for the same reason as above.

? Wet wipes – for the times you aren’t going to get a shower and/or get stuck in a rainstorm.

? Anti-bacterial sanitizer.

? First aid kit including ibuprofen/pain reliever for the journey home!

? Sunscreen – very important! Protect yo’ skin!

? Insect repellent.

Awesome Add Ons

? Camera.

? Picnic blanket.

? Lighter/matches.

? Duct tape.

? Multi purpose knife/bottle+tin opener.

? Flash light

? Umbrella

? Extra trash bags for dirty clothes and, well, trash.

? A team banner!

There are, or course, an infinite amount of items you could take in addition to this – but this is a great place to start!

To learn more, head over to Asheville’s REI Store this Saturday (5/16) for a crash course in festival camping led by an REI Staffer who has 3 years of Bonnaroo experience under his belt. In addition, the awesome FloydFest team will be there giving out tips, free tickets and ENO Hammocks ! Find out more HERE !

Festival Camping Basics

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