Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM

The nights have already begun to fall earlier and earlier as summer begins it’s fade into autumn. The single thought that makes this easier for a sun lover like myself is that this little city of Annapolis looks perhaps even more beautiful under the night sky. Light streaked dark waters and the glow of Main Street is absolutely breathtaking. This engagement session from cinematicbyDavidM starts with the sun still out, but quickly transitions into kisses stolen under street lights. We’re loving the romance of the night!

Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM Naptown Night Engagement | CinematicbyDavidM

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