Try-Day Friday Daily Cleaning Schedule

Hey guys! Today, I'm excited to share the second edition of Try-Day Friday. This one is all about keeping things clean. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels completely overwhelmed by the thought of keeping the house clean. Now that we've moved from a one and a half bedroom apartment to a 4 bedroom/4 bathroom house, that overwhelming feeling has just about quadrupled for me! I often think, "I should really sweep the floors and vacuum..." only to feel so overwhelmed by the idea of how many floors that need to be cleaned, that I don't try at all! It's bad, I know!

That overwhelming feeling has inspired today's extra clean Try-Day Friday, where I'll be instituting a daily cleaning calendar for myself. I found this schedule on Pinterest several months ago, and I really like the idea of it because it breaks down the very daunting task of keeping your house clean. As you can see, the smart woman who created this schedule, and blogger of Jenny Komenda Interiors , makes cleaning house a little more manageable and gives you a few chores to complete every day. If I can manage to stick to this schedule, I won't be cleaning all day, and I won't be stressed out about how much cleaning I have left to do. I'm going to print out this schedule right now and stick it on my fridge!

Try-Day Friday Daily Cleaning Schedule

Since I am feeling especially motivated now, I am also going to try to clean our dishwasher this weekend! Yes, I said clean my dishwasher. I've never thought to do it before, but given the fact that the dishwasher in our house was used by another family for several years before us, I thought it might be a good idea. I've noticed some scummy stuff on the bottom of it lately. That, and I pinned a great step-by-step guide to how to do it! Wish me luck!

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