Favorite Fall Wreaths

Happy Friday!!! As some of you may know, it has been almost a week since we moved into our new house. We're still adjusting to the change...going from a 2 bedroom apartment in the city to a much larger house in the 'burbs is like doing a complete 180, but we're enjoying it so far :) It's what my husband and I have been working toward for a long, long time, and now, it feels like it's finally time to enjoy it! While we did choose a house that's pretty new and requires very little work, the tall stacks of boxes, empty rooms and non-functioning electronic equipment can seem daunting! I know the last item on that looming to-do list is driving my husband NUTS. He can't wait to set up and wire all of our TVs, speakers, computers, etc. It's totally his thing, and I love him to death for it :)

Me, on the other hand...I'm already thinking about how I'm going to decorate the house for Fall! Sure, we don't have anything else on the walls or shelves at this point, but it's Fall! Fall doesn't wait for you to finally finish unpacking! ;) And before you know it, it'll be Halloween! My first purchase is definitely going to be a pretty Fall wreath for our door, so I hit Etsy to find the perfect one. These are all of my favorites, and I haven't decided on which one yet! My other concern is theft...I don't want to spend a hundred bucks on the thing just to have it stolen in a week, you know? Although as far as neighborhoods go, it doesn't get much safer than ours. Hmmmm...which one do you guys think I should choose?

Favorite Fall Wreaths

Favorite Fall Wreaths

Two Inspire You | Designing Creations | Lovely Designs by Amy | Ideas in Bloom Design | Priveleged Door

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