Come Visit the New Website

I am finishing up a trip into Wisconsin over the weekend, and will return home tomorrow. Jesus has hungry people everywhere who are no longer satisfied with the religious conventions that seek to substitute for our own relationship with him. They are crying out for more reality in their relationship with him and more authenticity in their relationship with others, both believers and those who have yet to come to know him. It’s pretty awesome. I love what God is stirring in his people all over the world.

I also wanted to announce that we have just completed a major overhaul of our Lifestream website to make it more functional for the numbers of people visiting us these days. It was just released over the weekend and I think we have most of the bugs all worked out. If you find anything that doesn’t quite work right, please let us know.

Mostly everything is in the same place, but the navigation and look are much cleaner and simpler. So, if you haven’t visited in a while, come to our ‘open house’ and have a look around. There’s lots of free stuff to read and listen to, and our hope is that it will encourage you on the incredible journey of living solidly in the love of the Father, and discovering the joy of loving others the same way we are loved.

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