Where Best Transformed: Sunday Services or Daily Life?

Where Best Transformed:  Sunday Services or Daily Life?

One of my favorite people in the world (and I have many of these) is a man who calls himself Clothman . He and a group of folks up in Missoula, Montana have been through an interesting transition from a more traditional congregational life to one that is more relationally based. For Glenn that meant transitioning out of vocational ministry as the pastor to secular employment as a school bus driver among other things.

Under the his penname, Clothman, Glenn writes a weekly newspaper column for local papers which provides a different and witty look at how God works in us and the world. Here’s a clip from his latest column, which offers a great reality-check. If you don’t get what he’s saying here, then you have an amazing discovery still ahead for you.

My re-entry into the so-called “secular” workplace has resulted in me growing deeper in my relationship with God and others than I ever did as a full-time pastor. I now so appreciate Eugene Peterson’s comment that one of his main objectives in life has been “saying and showing – insisting! – that the world of work is the primary context for spirituality – for experiencing God, for obeying Jesus, for receiving the Spirit.” He is absolutely right.

“Clothman, which does God use to shape us more: work or worship services?”

If someone would have asked me that a couple of years ago I would have answered: “Are you a couple of Cokes short of a six pack? Worship services, of course.” What else could I say, both mine and our church’s, primary resources were devoted to helping people grow spiritually via our weekly worship services.

What a transformation for me to now state that “secular” work has resulted in more “sacred” life change in my life than worship services.

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