The Grouse Grind Opens for the 2016 Season this Saturday

The Grouse Grind Opens for the 2016 Season this Saturday

Photo: janheuninck | Inside Vancouver Flickr pool

If you’re wondering how to get beach body ready fast, you’re in luck – because the Grouse Grind is opening up this weekend for the 2016 hiking season on Saturday, April 30 from 6:15am until 7pm.

Metro Vancouver has been busy making repairs to the trail and have announced that it is finally ready to be tackled. The Grouse Grind is an iconic hiking trail in North Vancouver that is more of a stairmaster and less of a walk in the park. Get your legs warmed up, because it’s time to get sweaty!

Let’s be clear here, the Grouse Grind is no easy task. The first 1/4 is probably one of the hardest things you will do that involves scrambling over rocks. It’s not rare to see people in complete agony before they even reach the 1/2 way mark. But, all the cursing, sweating, and regrets that you even started it in the first place will all go away when you get to the top.

The Grouse Grind Opens for the 2016 Season this Saturday

Photo courtesy of Grouse Mountain

Because nothing feels better than finishing the Grind! Okay, maybe eating a giant plate of nachos and enjoying a frosty glass of beer after finishing the Grind feels a bit better.

The Grouse Grind is a deceptively “short” 2.9 kilometre trail that begins at the base of Grouse Mountain before climbing straight up, up, seriously, still up?

It’s been nicknamed “mother nature’s stairmaster” and it’s a great way to kill an hour or two while getting an amazing workout. Not sure if you’re ready for the Grind? Check out this informative article with 5 tips for Grouse Grind first-timers .

Let’s just say, you better be wearing a good pair of running or hiking shoes. No sandals, please! If you’ve done a few laps on the Ol’ Grind and know how it goes, you’ll probably find this list of the 13 types of people you see on the Grind a bit true to form.

The Grouse Grind Opens for the 2016 Season this Saturday

Image courtesy of Grouse Mountain

Whether you love it or hate it (but still hike it), it’s time to celebrate because the Grouse Grind is officially opening this Saturday, April 30 at 6am! This summer, the Grind will also host a number of exciting on-trail events including Seek the Peak (June 12), the Multi-Grind Challenge (June 21), Grind10 (July 1 – 15) and the Grouse Grind Mountain Run (September 24).

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