Snapshots of Appreciation from Kenya

Snapshots of Appreciation from Kenya

Above are just a few of the pictures that were sent to me in the last couple of weeks by the brothers and sisters in Kenya that we have been helping over the last year. They include pictures of various outreaches, food relief, and some of the more than 30 students we have been able to help attend secondary school, which the government does not provide.

To date we’ve given over $30,000.00 from Lifestream and the generous support of both readers here and listeners at The God Journey . Most of that money has gone for food, clothing and bedding to help those who were displaced by the tribal violence and its ongoing effects in the culture. More recently, we sent money to help enroll over thirty students in secondary education that is not provided by the government. We’ve been blessed at their continued expressions of joy and gratefulness. Here are excerpts from their recent emails that they wanted me to pass along to you:

First thing, I would like to send our gratitude for all of you with your family and the entire body of Christ who have stood with us in this time of need. I would like to appreciate very much. (I know it )does not mean that you don’t have the needs there or those who are in need but we count it grace from the Lord for your heart towards our people. We give all glory and honour for God who has made it possible to join us together. My brother, some times I fear even to ask any support since you have been standing with us since the whole of last year up to now and your support has been a great blessing to our people here. As you know, we network with many people here in Kenya and other parts of Africa and your encouragement as well as support has uplifted many souls back to life.

The last months, I have been going around for mission trips to encourage brothers and sisters in the Lord just to hug them and to share with them the love of Christ. I thank God for the material you sent, I am now making the few photocopies and pile that I may distribute for the leaders. And some you may see when people are holding and we appreciate very much because there is a great transformation through these materials. I am continuing asking God that I may too be used as a vessel for reflecting the image of Christ.

We are still praying for you that one time God will allow you to come and join us for this big harvest in Africa. I am seeing the great transformation through the message of So You Don’t Want to Go To Church. Our brothers here are being led by the Spirit of God. So continue praying with them because I have seen the transformation is taking place and my home church which we started last year I want the guidance of them to start the fellowship in their area. This according to what they have passed through the material. So I need your prayers that I may continue leading them in this truth.

Also continue praying for us that there are some areas where the body of Christ are being affected especially for women and children because of the hunger. There are areas where people are deeply affected with diarrhea and other diseases. Sometimes I feel sympathy, nothing to do but only to encourage knowing that the Lord cares much. I will send to you the needs including medicine that you may also pray for provision.

About the students, they are happy and I am waiting to receive some few pictures then I will send to you. They are praying for you for the heart of compassion. May the Lord bless you so much.

As you can see the need is ongoing and if you’d like to help, we’ll be happy to send any gifts God puts on your heart their direction. Nothing will be taken out for administration on this end or that one. If God puts it on your heart to send something, please go to our Invoice Page and click on the ‘Pay Invoice’ button. You can then list “Donation for Kenya” and the amount you’d like to give. If you use the ‘Donation’ button you will need to also send me an email letting me know you wanted this to go for Kenya and not for Lifestream. All donations to this cause are tax deductible. Or, if you prefer, you can also send a check to Lifestream • 1560-1 Newbury Rd #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320.

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