.: Liebster Award :.

.: Liebster Award :. I logged into my blog late last night to find a comment from fellow blogger Theresa… aka Taozi Tree Yoga .  I have never met Teresa, and I don’t remember when or even how I found her blog.  None the less I became an instant follower finding a connection to her posts that showed a conscious, kind, and creative individual.

Her comment read, “Aloha yoga sister… I always LOVE your pictures, your posts, and you have so inspired me! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Congrats ”

Such simple words that hold such power.  Who tires of hearing that you are inspiring? While I continue to contemplate my dharma (purpose) in this life, I know that to some degree living a positive life and encouraging others is weaved heavily into why I am here. So thank you Theresa for the recognition and praise.  Today, I suggest you highlight a person in your own life you admire, and give them a shout out.  Get specific about what you appreciate and tell them how much you value that quality.

Now for the logisitics…

To accept the nomination I have been instructed to answer the following questions from, Taozori Tree Yoga to help people learn more about me. I then have to nominate blogs that I find intriguing/inspiring.

Other particulars: -Thank the person who gave you the nomination
-Post the award on your blog!
-Notify your nominees with a link back to your post
-Create a new set of questions for those you nominate

Taozi Tree’s Questions:

1) What were your first words and what do you think they say about you?

My mom says they were “papa.”  I’m not sure what that say’s about me? Maybe that I was a daddy’s girl from the get go?

2) If you were stranded in doors all day because of a fierce snowstorm, what would you do to occupy the time?

I would start the day off with yoga and meditation, then enjoy an espresso and a long nourishing breakfast, add to my music library, read, write, relax with some thai yoga massage, bake a lot of goodies, cuddle and watch the snow fall.

3) What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

Pre Nickelodeon days, my favorite was Looney Tunes.

4) What are your favorite girl-scout cookies and what do you like about them?

Somoa’s. Two Words: Coconut & Chocolate.

5) Who is your favorite British musician or musical group? What is the song that comes into your head first?

Ahh so many great musicians come from the UK. Throwbacks would definitely include The Beatles (“Don’t Let me Down”), Phil Collins (“Do You Remember”), Led Zeppelin (“Whole Lotta Love”), and Fleetwood Mac (“Silver Springs”).  More recent loves are Amy Winehouse (“He Can Only Hold Her”), Mumford & Sons (“Below my Feet”), and Ben Howard (“I Will be Blessed”).

6) What is your favorite smell of food cooking in the kitchen? Who is cooking it?

Favorite smell would be anything with a ton of spices & herb so you know it packs a ton of flavor.  My vision is a big community dinner with everyone in the kitchen cooking, passing around champagne, and listening to good music (dance party may ensue).

7) What is one goal or dream that you have that you haven’t shared or owned up to because of fear of not accomplishing it?

I have shared it, but haven’t owned up to the possibility of it…  I would love to travel the world teaching yoga at festivals and retreats, integrating my passion for traveling, writing, people and positivity.  It’s a big dream so naturally putting all of my efforts and really going for it presents a big fear of “failing” or not accomplishing it.

8) What are your three best names for a Golden Retriever puppy?

I have plans to get a golden retriever and name him “Coogee “after my travels to Australia and Coogee Beach.  Other names I like are “mana” meaning spirit in Hawaiian, and “Diggory” after Cedric in Harry Potter (no shame).

9) If you could have one super power what would it be? Why?

Teleporting.  Think of all the money you would save in traveling! And it would be really nice to see my family & friends on the mainland whenever I want.

10) Who is your favorite child-hood author and what was your favorite book by them?

Ann M. Martin who wrote the “The Baby-Sitters Club” collection. My sisters and I read through all of them probably more than twice.

Can’t wait to nominate the blogs that inspire me.

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