Featured Post: Rocksalt Photography and Videography

Hannah from Rocksalt Photography has recently branched into filming as well. You may remember we showed you Ed and welsh bride Jo’s engagement shoot by Rocksalt Photography back last month. Well here you have a lovely little addition to see how it all worked out in the form of a rather lovely video, plus another sneaky look at Hannah’s work.

So without further ado, I will hand over to the gorgeous girl herself to tell you all about it……..

Featured Post: Rocksalt Photography and Videography

Wedding Suppliers: Rocksalt Photography and Videography

I never expected to fall in love with film making the way I have. Thank you so much to that cheeky pair who asked if I could film their wedding, I’ll be forever grateful.

How and when did you start the videography side of Rocksalt?

One of the best parts of being a wedding photographer is getting to know my clients and in a lot of cases having a friendship for life. So a lot of my couples feel that they can be a little bit cheeky and ask me anything ;)
Anyway when a couple asked if I could do a wedding film as well as their stills I recoiled into my chair and said ‘God no!’ Imagine the stress!
But I went away and thought, well, why not? I have a bit of film training, I wouldn’t need any new equipment so maybe I could give it a shot.
I went to see Camera Hannah for a chat, she has added film packages alongside her photography successfully and after having a good chat with her I decided that I would give it a go.

This wedding season I had done a few films, but my first was November 2015.
I arrived at the wedding with no plans to film, but thought why the hell not?….. and thats where it all started.

How would you describe your style?

I make short 4/5 minute films of your wedding. It’s great to see a film that marries up with the photography.  Everything just seems to fit.
My style, is unobtrusive – I’m there to capture your day. Not direct it.
I try to be as invisible as possible documenting those real moments – happy, fun and relaxed.
Yes, of course I pose a few things up to get those epic dramatic shots. They just have to be done!

What’s the best bit about being a part of the wedding industry?

I love being part of the wedding industry. I’ve met so many different talented and lovely people along the way and have formed strong business and social friendships! (the odd gin may have been consumed at a few ‘networking lunches’! )
The best thing though……(I know it sounds cheesy)…..My clients. I really am so blessed by the people I get to work with – you all ROCK!

Have you had any hairy moments?

Nothing major really…..(touch wood) I smashed a lens at a wedding once lying down on a stone beach, but I had a back up!

Have you noticed any emerging trends specific to your field emerging for 2016/2017?

Smoke bombs and drones seemed to have featured a lot this year……next year, I have had a couple enquire about me shooting their entire wedding on film -old skool! So maybe we’re going full circle!
Do you have any advice for couples choosing a videographer for their big day?
People seem to be more self conscious when being filmed, I totally understand! But believe me, just be yourselves and embrace it. You’re beautilicious.

For more info about adding film to your photography package with Rocksalt Photography please email at : info@rocksaltphotography.com

They’re fabulous Hannah, thank you so much for sharing! So, all you brides and groom, what are you waiting for! Get in touch! x

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