Electronic Music Ventures to Arguably Its Weirdest Place Ever With Taxidermied “Badgermin”

Electronic Music Ventures to Arguably Its Weirdest Place Ever With Taxidermied “Badgermin”

You think things got pretty weird toward the business end of that warehouse party you went to over the weekend? Well, your entire definition of the term “weird” is about to be re-evaluated as we take a look at the “Badgermin”: one of the world’s original electronic instruments, the theremin , literally placed inside a taxidermied badger. No kidding.

Writers from the Nervous Squirrel blog , which explores all forms of weird and unconventional electronic instruments, were invited to the Dorset countryside in England to hear a performance on the Badgermin. The instrument was created by integrating a dead, stuffed badger with the electronics from a PAiA Theremax kit and an 8mm-diameter, removable antenna.

There’s not a lot more we can say on this one. Watch the video below of the Badgermin being played by someone who’s been described as a “fantastically talented thereminist”—with a grand piano accompaniment, of course.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6eTdPG3jo8?list=UUS62EsYreJvAQ-frtC2I1QA]

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