I hear the question all the time, and actually I’m really grateful to know that others are carrying this process on their heart and are anxious to read it. For those that don’t know, I’m working on a new book called Finding Church: What if There Really Is Something More? I want it to help people find the realitly of Jesus’ church in the world, especially for those who have grown disillusioned with the traditional forms of it that have failed to live up to Paul’s incredible language about the life and power of Jesus’ church in the earth. My thesis is that the church is a reality inside the new creation Jesus launched on the earth, and as long as we try to build it with old creation realities, we will only end up with the church humanity builds, not the one Jesus is building. Having spent the last twenty years tasting of the church Jesus is building all over the world, it is far more wondrous than anything humanity can replicate even with his best efforts and schemes.
To be honest, it has taken a bit longer to write than I had hoped. Some of that has to do with situations around my life that is curtailing writing time, and some of that has to do with trying to find the way to say what I want to say so that it is clear, conscise, and compelling. I’ve also invited others into this process and their insights, while incredibly helpful, also sent me back to the drawing board at times.
So how is it going? I’ve got good news and bad news there. The good news is that I pretty much finished it last week. The bad news is that I blew it up this week, on some wonderful advice I got from a former editor of mine. Hopefully that will be good news in the long run, because it will make it a better book with a better flow. So for those of you who listened to the first chapter and/or the second chapter on The God Journey, they are no longer the first and second chapter. That material will still be there, just arranged quite differently, and not all the content will be in the same chapter. So, it’s a bit of a mess right now, but all the pieces are there waiting to find their place. Maybe that’s a metaphor for the church itself.
So my best guess now is to try and finish it in the next couple of months and have it available after a couple of months of production. Early summer may be a best-case, and late summer more likely. I’m sorry for the delay, but I’m really excited at how it is taking shape—again!