New Zealand Holiday Accommodation Options

It’s all here folks! New Zealand holiday accommodation to suit everyone. So what’s your preference? We have beautiful international styled lodges located on huge estates , sumptuous and discrete, usually specialising in a particular outdoor pursuit. For example if golfing is your thing, you might prefer Cape Kidnappers to practice your putt. My guess is that you won’t be asking where that is (especially if you’re a dedicated golfer) It’s a ‘brand’ thing. These lodges employ high-profile chefs and fine dining is expected and enjoyed.

New Zealand Holiday Accommodation Options

Now, there’s another less formal style of New Zealand lodge which is not fully understood by our international market. These lodges have the name “ Bed & Breakfast ” attached to them. What does that mean? (definitely not tea cosies and mothballs) I’m talking about a smaller boutique lodge with a relaxed atmosphere. These lodges are often purpose-built or they may be a beautifully renovated heritage building. They’re located in both urban and rural areas . It’s here you’ll meet other people and interact with the hosts, the locals who may have lived very interesting lives and just like you, have a story to tell. They’ll know the best cafes, restaurants and tours of their region and breakfast is included in the tarrif.

New Zealand Holiday Accommodation Options

Michael and I spend each day communicating with our clients and operators. (Don’t ya just love Skype?) Yes we enjoy the client contact, but prefer a bit of seclusion on our own holidays. I’m extremely sensitive to noise, have been since I was a child. Sooooo I prefer self-contained villas and vineyard cottages fully equipped with all the modern conveniences (no outdoor plumbing for this girl) love floor to ceiling windows, large beds (why do operators still insist on queensize beds?) space and above all, a magnificent view. The sound I like to wake up to? Silence, birdsong excepted.

New Zealand Holiday Accommodation Options

Hotels definitely have their place for a New Zealand accommodation. No, I’m not a hypocrite, says she, remember the preceding paragraph There are many of people out there that love the ‘buzz’ of a stylish hotel, the convenience of 24-hour service and the comfort of knowing people are nearby. For some international visitors, that’s important. It’s what they’re used to. Once again, the choice is endless but not all hotels are created equal. New Zealand has it’s Sofitel, Hilton, Peppers, Quay West…I’ll cover resorts another time – the sun is beckoning.

New Zealand Holiday Accommodation Options

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