Jehovah Tsnikki

You would probably have had to grow up in the 60’s and 70’s to get this one, but back then it was big-time preaching to take the names of God from the Old Testament that used the word Jehovah as a prefix. For instance, Jehovah-Jireh, (the God Who Provides) Jehovah-Rapha, (The God Who Heals You ) and Jehovah-Tsidkenu (God Our Righteousness.) Since then translators have used the more accurate Yaweh and have left out the Hebrew suffixes so that sermon doesn’t preach as well today. It actually was an interesting study in the redemptive attributes of God throughout the Old Testament.

But a college student from California has uncovered another one. This one isn’t in the Bible, but she swears its true nonetheless. During my recent trip to New Mexico, her father told me about her engagement with Jehovah Tsnikki. You’ll have to read that out loud to make sense of it—Jehovah Tsnikki, The God Who Sneaks Up On You.

How many times have you followed the Lord’s leading into a situation just certain as to how it would turn and be absolutely shocked when you realized that God had an entirely different outcome in mind? Certainly there is evidence of this reality throughout the Bible. God told Paul he would be going to Rome. At the time, I’m sure Paul had no idea it would be as a prisoner. But then again, the price was right. God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house before he had any idea God was going to allow those pesky Gentiles to get saved! And who can forget Joseph’s dream that he would rule over his brothers, only to find himself kidnapped, sold into slavery and finally unjustly imprisoned? God has some interesting ways to transform our lives with his glory.

I’ve had occasion to see Jehovah-Tsnikki as well, though I never knew there was a name for it. Often I have gotten involved in something thinking I knew exactly what God had in mind, only to find out I was being set up for something entirely different than I could have conceived. Most times it was more painful than I’d ever imagined, but if I had known that in advance, I may not have followed him into it. At other times, I’ve found him sneaking up on me right in the midst of some mess I’ve made, making himself know and accomplishing his purpose anyway.

Jehovah Tsnkiik! What great name for an incredible Father who dazzles us over and over again with the sheer wonder of his character and an unfolding purpose that isn’t even thwarted by our own ignorance or misguided efforts. Would you expect anything less from someone whose ways are far higher than our ways?

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