California Diaries: My Snowboarding Misfortune….

California Diaries: My Snowboarding Misfortune…. Yep, I’m 2 for 2 in the snowboarding accident department.  I’m officially retiring from the sport- or any sport that involves snow for that matter.  Again, a reiteration to keep me by the water.  Apparently, me and winter activities don’t mix.

California Diaries: My Snowboarding Misfortune….

What started off as an amazing morning at Squaw Valley with my brother Kai ended in a trip down the slopes with ski patrol.  An awkward landing had my body and board moving in opposite directions- resulting in (what felt like) a 360 degree twist of my ankle, a loud pop, and a distinct and instant pain radiating up my leg.  A few curse words later and finally finding my breathe, I accepted the damage was done.   Declining the doctor (I’m relying on the fact that I’ve had so many injuries I can distinguish between sprains/fractures/broken bones) I’m forced to sit, rest, ice, and let my body takes it’s course to heal itself.

California Diaries: My Snowboarding Misfortune….

happier times, earlier in the day 😉

I am mostly thankful that it wasn’t anything more serious. I can deal with crutches and low impact activities for a bit.  Huge thanks to Kai for giving me piggy back rides all over Squaw Village and my sister Nurse Erin for being on top of my icing and pain killers last night.  Honestly, my whole family has been really wonderful at making sure I don’t have to move too much…

Without the availability to move and partake in my routine passions, I’m trying to think of activities to fill my day that don’t involve my left foot.. Suggestions?

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