Should I write a Travel E Book / Guide?

This has been eating away at my mind for some time now.

I am usually pretty good at asking questions and finding the answers. Sometimes it takes me awhile, but I usually get there.

This time I’m not and so it came to me that maybe I should ask you, our readers.

The thing that kickstarted us into beginning our travel blog 18 months ago, was an idea I had to write a travel book. I wanted to write a book that was part inspirational and part informational on how to travel the world.

Should I write a Travel E Book / Guide?

What an inspired travel writing view!

I knew that the information part was the easiest and could be found anywhere. The most difficult part in following your dreams is finding the inspiration and courage to do it.

I wanted to explore in my book why travel is so beneficial, the types of experinces you can have whilst travelling and how it can change your life.

I started writing this book just before we launched the website. We started the travel blog thinking that I would soon finish the travel book and be able to promote it to our readership.

Somewhere along the line though I became stuck.

And I am left trying to figure out why.

I am often filled with longing to finish it, but when I schedule in time to do it, procrastination comes in banging down the door. When I do get around to writing on it, I am filled with excitement again and believe that I have a good thing to offer.

Yet still, I continue to stall.

So far, the excuses I come up with is just that I have no time, there is no market, and no one will want to read it blah, blah, blah.

Lately, I am wondering if maybe the travel blogging is all I need to do and the inspiration and information I wanted to provide can come through the blog.

But the nagging feeling comes back as to me needing to finish the book. Is it there because I just want to say I’ve finished the book or because there is a purpose behind me finishing it?

I do not know.

The book at the moment has gone way beyond normal pages of an ebook- up to 300 pages in small type font and I’m still not done. It’s turning more towards being a travel guide, that I will divide up into sections.

I was listening to a podcast with Seth Godin the other day, the guru on marketing and book writing. He said the relevance and value of books used to be in the fact that they were scarce, which is why they held value.

These days what is scarce is not the ability to print books by to get the attention of people. He spoke of how blogging is a form that is slowly replacing the value of books as it is immediate, relevant and short and snappy.

And I felt almost relieved. Yes, This is what I want to do. I don’t have to worry about that book any more.

But then later, he said that you will never be able to influence people more than through the words of a print book,

“A book can transform lives with more impact and more ability than a blog post.”

which made me switch back to writing the ebook again.

Does that mean I am writing it purely for recognition, money, or because I want to somehow make a difference?

As you can see my mind is spinning.

I don’t want to leave a task unfinished, and this one has been that way for nearly two years. But I don’t want to be completing it unless I am really sure as to why I am doing it.

So where do you come into it?

Well I thought that I would ask you what you saw as a need for another travel book on the shelves. Maybe that could help me decide.

Would you find a book as I have described helpful,or do you just stick to blogs and websites now to get your inspiration and information?

If I said I had come out with a how to travel the world ebook, would you just roll your eyes and say “Not another one.“?

Do you think we could add value in this niche?

What would you like to read in a travel book like this?

At the end of the day, I don’t think I am driven by money to do this. I know we could make money off the sales of it, even though it would not be much. But with me money is never the determining factor. It is the difference it will make and whether I am living in alignment with my purpose.

Any feedback, help or suggestions would be really great and could maybe help me find the answers I am looking for.

Click to receive my free Ebook “ 20 lessons a life of travel taught me about living and empowered life ,” if you haven’t already.

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