One Act of Love – Update from Kenya

“One act of love speaks more than millions of words…”  You’ll find that in Michael’s report below as he shares just how much the people in North Pokot have opened to the Gospel because of the outpouring of generosity there by so many of you.  Those are great words for anything that has to to with touching our world with the life of Jesus.  Here are some pictures and the latest report from our friends in Kenya. Whenever I travel, people ask me what is going on there and I’m so amazed and blessed that so many of you carry these people on your heart.  Since March your generosity has placed over $400,000.00 into the needs of Kenya, most of that to rescue 120,000 people dying from starvation and poor sanitation in North Pokot.  You literally saved thousands of lives and their gratitude is overwhelming. We drilled four wells there, built a dispensary and a school, as well as launched a grain enterprise that will provide the necessary income for those ongoing needs beginning this spring.

It has been on our heart not only to help them with immediate needs, but also to create the economic opportunity that will allow them to have the resources to maintain them going forward.  We never wanted to breed their dependency on the west, but to give them tools to watch God’s provision for them.  I am pleased at how all this has worked out.

Someone handed me a check a few weeks ago for $50,000 to help get the medicine and supplies for the new hospital.  Others of you give $100 either one time or some even monthly. All of that has caused my heart to be overwhelmed with gratefulness for those who have given, and for those who have spent it in Kenya with great care and with amazing fruitfulness as you can see in the report from Michael and the pictures below.

The needs, however, continue on a monthly basis for more months to come.  If you can help, you can direct your gifts through Lifestream. Contributions are tax-deductible in the US.  As always, every dollar you send goes to the need in Kenya.  We do not (nor do they) take out any administrative or transfer fees.  You can use the donation link on our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560 Newbury Rd Ste 1  •  Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.
Here are some new pictures, and Michael’s report below…

One Act of Love – Update from Kenya

Grateful people in North Pokot

One Act of Love – Update from Kenya
People hear about a God who loves

One Act of Love – Update from Kenya
The first drugs arrive at the dispensary

One Act of Love – Update from Kenya
Drilling the fourth well

One Act of Love – Update from Kenya
Meanwhile, back at the orphanage… a celebration of prayer

And now, here is Michael’s most recent report:

Everything is working on well in North Pokot. Concerning the hospital is now set-up with drugs, equipment and facilities.  The number of patients is increasing daily.  We have now two doctors and two nurses two cooks, two guards, caretaker and two interpreters from the communities who interpret for our doctors from mother language to Swahili.  They volunteer for almost two months and if there is a way of helping with their salary they would appreciate it.  We don’t push you for this because they are flexible and they love their work and all of them they have the family who may need their service.

All is going well with the grain enterprise.  Sometimes we go out with the truck and due to our poor muddy roads we stuck for sometimes for whole day in rural while collecting grains, we love to do it. The work of winnowing, selecting and drying maize is going on, I believe repacking will be in the storage in December.

On  behalf of the entire team, friends, and the people of Lifestream we would like to send gratitude first to the most high God who has make all these to come into reality.  I am not praising any human being here but to the Father of our Lord Christ who had done all this through brother Wayne.  Let me state how I came across Wayne 15 years ago.  I had a passion to find the truth since I was born in the middle of indigenous and traditional churches from early 80s where I got salvation.  I took more than 5 years crying and finding the truth, because I had not experience any change.  After this long cry, five years later I encountered my life with Jesus Christ.  That is the early 90s where the Spirit of God changed my life totally, but still I didn’t realize the truth but I was continuing with institutions and hierarchy structures till 1996 where I founded IGEM ministries.  I thought that I will help our brothers and sisters to reveal the truth but all of us, we were like the lost sheep who had comfort one another without the true direction

I pray to God and I went to search this word Living under the care of heavenly father, through an Internet search when I came across Lifestream.  It was the end of my search. The following day I called over 60 leaders to share with them about the love of God.  I downloaded Lifestream materials especially He Loves Me, this touched me and certified my heart.  I shared this materials without even the permission from the Author, but after the conference everybody was touched and they wanted to know how I came across this material, because in Africa we live in the gospel of criticism and hate.  The preachers teach that God holds the sword of wrath punishing those who are not observing His rules.  So many Christians live with the great fear trying to practice ten commandments without the hope of heavenly Father. After I got Living Loved material through Lifestream my life was totally affected with spiritual affection towards God and since that time I have seen the great transformation and spiritual perspective and through the people I work the Spirit of God has affected the entire region.

The barriers of deception about institutional hierarchy and human structure has now been broken.  We have faced obstacles, criticism and hate but this has not hold us back to declare the truth about the love of God.  Some of the criticism comes from rich denominations that have used millions of shillings setting up the structures and institution which they called it churches and headquarters while failing to care for those who are needy—widows, orphans and our brothers and sister who may need our mercy ministry.

We   would like to acknowledge you before the throne of our heavenly father for the mercy ministry you have done for his name towards our brothers and sisters here this will remain as a good fragrance before the throne of God. I cannot express my love beyond this but just to thank God for your work and for the ministry you have shown and ministered for our brothers and sisters here.  In this soil of North Pokot where they have never ever experienced that there is a living God who exist in the hearts of people.  They have lived in hate and believing in shrines and gods of mountain to ask them even to sacrifice their animals that maybe through their sacrifices they may be heard by their god and he would grant them water.  But all this time their gods remained silent. In the shortest time our living God has answered and touched their lives.  Thousands now according to what we hear have burned the charms of sorcery and they have broken the shrines even without a preacher.  One act of love speaks more than millions of words, because our God has answered and they saw the provision of food, clothes, hospital, drilling wells and the school.  If this could be the way of expressing our love to the world, I believe it will take shortest time for the gospel to be heard.

We want to express our sincerity of heart, that reaching where we are now takes the prayer of saints, commitment, it has also cost faithfulness and dedication, because it is not easy without God’s divine purpose.  You have poured so much trust through sending huge funds towards Kenyan project, including buying land, setting up the home as well as drilling wells, building hospital and school, as well as sending the donation of food, medication camping which cannot take it for granted. It has taken the grace of God to build this relationship and trust.  In all of this we have not looked to our personal needs or our ministry needs, but rather all the money we have received has gone directly to the proposed need.  We have remained faithful to handle God’s resources.  May the Lord bless you for standing with us.

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