Next Up: Maryland and Virginia

Later this month I’ll be off to the east coast to spend a few days in Maryland and Virginia. I’ll be in Knoxville, MD the weekend of April 24-27 with Dan and Joyce ,  You can contact them here if you’d like details for the weekend. On May 1 I’ll be moving down to Richmond and hang out there until the afternoon of May 3.  If you want more details there contact Richard or Allen .  Then, I’ll be heading up to Haymarket, VA for a special one-day discussion, I’ll discuss more below.

My time in Knoxville and Richmond will be open conversations about learning to live loved and thinking through how God invites us into more authentic, community-based relationships as the expression of his church, rather than into meetings and structures that don’t often provide the depth of connection people are looking for.  You’re welcome to either of these locations, though space is limited since we’re meeting in homes, so please let the hosts know as soon as you know that you’ll want to attend.  The people hosting the event in Knoxville have recently come out of a oppressive congregational structure and will be similar to my November time in Ft. Worth, TX.

As for our Sunday, May 4 meeting in Haymarket, this is not an open-meeting, simply because we want to keep it small and keep it focused on those who have a desire to be catalysts to help others learn to live loved and facilitate connections in more authentic expressions of church life.  If you’d like to come, write me a brief email , explaining why you’d like to come and what your journey is like at the moments in terms of learning to live in a Father’s love and breaking free of religious ways of trying to accomplish God’s work.  If you’re new to this living loved journey, we will not be talking about things that will be the most helpful for you.  I am looking for people who have already spent a few years learning to live loved and are enjoying greater freedom and who also have the desire to help others on this journey.   I held one retreat like this (Seeding Community) in North Carolina this past summer, and hope to have more of them in the coming year so that those who have a passion to help others grow in Christ will have other options than resorting to the old institutional forms that had less to do with transformation in a new creation, but conformity in an old one.  If you’re interested in helping host something like this in your area in the future, please let me know.

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