Is Travel Insurance Sexy?

We all know how it feels, the torture of having to do something you don’t want to do, but know that its really in your best interests to do it.

Like doing your homework.

You’d much rather be doing something a little more fun.

Is Travel Insurance Sexy?

The excitement of your travel departure date is just around the corner, your clothes are packed, your visas are pasted into your passports, your itinerary is sorted, and your money is just waiting to be spent.

Except, before you go you have to take some of that money and spend it on travel insurance.

Ugh. What a let down!

“Why do I need this? Do I really have to get it? I probably won’t need it anyway. Maybe I’ll just take the risk and not worry,” all the thoughts race through our head trying to convince ourselves that it is an unnecessary purchase.

“It’s just not sexy is it?” a friend recently said as we discussed the banes of insurance.

It’s hard to hand over your cash for something you really aren’t going to enjoy, and actually don’t want to have to use.

Is Travel Insurance Sexy?

Maybe we have to look at insurance in another way to ease the pain of purchasing it.

After all it does offer us peace of mind. And that can be sexy, can’t it?

I bet the mother whose daughter just drank a cocktail filled with chemicals in Bali, and had to be flown back to Australia at a price of $50,000, would now loved to have thought that travel insurance was sexy. Because that car she dreamed of buying or future planned holidays is now gone.


I know when we lost our passports in the US, we thought insurance was pretty sexy as it saved us from forking out half a grand on replacements. That was money we could now enjoy on our travels through China.

Laptops, cameras, iphones, it is a digital world we live in and many of us can’t travel anymore without our gadgets.

I’d feel pretty unsexy if I had to wear rags from the second hand store, as all my money now had to go to replacing my uninsured electronics that were stolen from my hotel room.

or worse…

… had to pay thousands for an unintended doctor’s visit in the States.

Actually, they think travel insurance is that sexy they won’t let you enter the country without it.

When you think of it in terms of this, insurance can look pretty glamorous, as it can save you from having your bank account wiped out.

We never think of insurance in terms of this because we like to be the eternal optimists. Nothing bad will happen to me and we don’t like to spend money on the slight odds that something bad will happen.

And its great to be an optimist.

But, the slight chance, for many is not enough to risk it.

When you travel you want to enjoy yourself and not leave anything to chance. You don’t want that grey cloud of “I’m not insured” hanging over your head. A cloud that might stop you from doing fun things like white water rafting, sky diving and even hiring a motorbike to go cruising.

And that’s what makes insurace sexy. Yes, go on, take the pain away that you feel when you hear that and allow yourself to think great things about it.

It is peace of mind

And for a family there is nothing we want more than to know our children can travel with us somewhat secure.

We hopefully will not use it, but I want to make sure if something happens I don’t want to have “I can’t afford the medical bills that can save my child’s life” hanging over my head.

We’ve never travelled without insurance, even though we have wanted to and we have researched why we should. For us the risk was just too great for what could potentially be a small hand over of cash.

Really, who wants their holidays or travels ruined from not having it?

Now that would totally be UN-sexy!

What about you? Do you purchase travel insurance and do you find it sexy? Has it covered your ass on occasions?..

This post is sponsored by CoverMore insurance who graciously allowed us to feel sexy during our recent visit to New Zealand.

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