Cable Bay Walk and Cafe near Nelson

The Cable Bay Café looked inviting with it’s brightly coloured cushions and white tables and Michael was dead keen to try it.  How often have I bypassed these remote little businesses in the belief that I’ll get a better coffee ‘in town’? How many times have I been proved wrong? Plenty of times! Shouldn’t we support these little Kiwi businesses?  They’re the heart of their community.

Cable Bay Walk and Cafe near Nelson

Weather-wise, Sunday’s not too flash. It’s drizzling and windswept PLUS I’m learning to drive a four-wheel vehicle and after my modest little Ford Mondeo, it’s a beast! Michael has thoughtfully chosen a gravelled winding road leading to Cable Bay (not the Glen turnoff to Cable Bay but the next one 21km north of Nelson.) Right now, my biggest priority is how to avoid side-swiping oncoming cars.

Cable Bay Walk and Cafe near Nelson

No heavy traffic here though and we kinda have the place to ourselves. Such a luxury that we Kiwis still take for granted! By the way, this track is closed from 1 August to 7 October because of lambing. The sheep are a bit nervy as they’re used to having the place to themselves. So good to see these animals living with their lives with dignity in a pure environment. Hey Michael stop hassling those guys…

Cable Bay Walk and Cafe near Nelson

…find your own tranquillity:

Cable Bay Walk and Cafe near Nelson

Plenty of moments like these along the way.  Watch out for the sheep poo and be sure to use the ‘kissing gates’ (no romance intended). We all need to respect private farmland where access is restricted. The complete walk takes about 3½ hours one way so be prepared with sturdy shoes as it’s quite steep in parts.

Happy travelling on the Cable Bay Walk!

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