Turistas Movie Bombs–Thankfully

Despite scathing reviews and a ridiculous plot, I still feared the teenagers who pack theaters would show up for the movie Turistas. After all, silly slasher flicks are box office gold (witness the Saw 3 movie, which has grossed close to $80 million).

Thankfully, only a few idiots turned up to watch a movie about tourists falling victim to organ harvesters in Brazil. The film showed on 1,570 screens, the movie only took in about $3.5 million—probably not even enough to pay the bills for a week of ads and trailers. It will likely fade into the annuls of history in another week or two, then hit the $9.99 DVD rack soon after.

So now we don’t have to be subjected to media discussions about whether it is safe to travel abroad in light of all this organ harvesting and we don’t have to have paranoid people forgoing travel because they’re worried about scary people in scary places “over there.” Although if it had kept some of those Spring Break idiots out of Rio, it might have made the locals pretty happy…

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