Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour

San Francisco bag and bike apparel brand Mission Workshop outfitted a three-man crew to tour the Yangtze river delta on bikes this month. In an unlikely gear-testing journey, the urban-style riders — including John Watson of the blog Prolly Is Not Probably , who is a hired gun shooting photos and videos along the route — will bike a few hundred kilometers through the Chinese countryside. Their first stop was Taipei (video here ), and next the group goes to Shanghai and then pedals into the countryside on the Mission Workshop-powered tour. Check the company’s blog for daily updates, and here below is a spread of images captured so far from the trip. —Stephen Regenold

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Architectural waypoints on Yangtze River tour

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Air pollution is high

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Fishing dock along the route

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Welcome to a bike industry trade show in Taipei

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Track bike in Taipei

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
City life

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Taipei view

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Jazz hands?

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Packed up, ready to ride

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Exploded view: John Watson’s gear for the trip (all goes in his pack)

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Laps for a thrill

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
Country lane

Bike helmets, Pollution masks required for Yangtze River tour
On down the road…

—Photos by John Watson/ Prolly Is Not Probably .

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