Waka-Waka Surprises…

Waka-Waka Surprises…

Can you feel the excitement? The excitement of music festival season is bubbling over within ENOpians everywhere! If you’ve never been to Wakarusa before, we encourage you to make the journey into Arkansas. Mullberry Mountain, where the festival takes place, is a magical and unpredictable land. The whimsical paradise that is Wakarusa!

Well we’ll be at Wakarusa this year and we’re bringing some sneaky-poo surprises with us! If you still need a hammock for Waka, we recommend to keep an eye on their Facebook page today…Fridays often bring a magic of their own 😉


Looky here…Good luck and hammock on! See you on Mullberry Mountain, after CounterPoint of course.

Waka-Waka Surprises…

***photos compliments of Wakarusa Music Festival

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