Hammocks in Haiti: Andrew McCraw’s ENO story

You may have become accustomed to seeing a DoubleNest set up on the quad or hung round the campfire, but could you imagine if you’ve never seen one before? Andrew McCraw, an awesome volunteer for the Haiti Orphan Foundation , shares his story!

“These photos were taken at an orphanage in Croix de Bouquet, Haiti during my Spring Break trip this past week. I took my Eno Hammock just in case there were some trees around the Grace Children’s Home , and I was in luck.  However, as soon as I hung it up, the boys rushed over to check out the weird piece of fabric hanging between their trees.  In broken Creole , I explained that it was a hammock.  They were a bit skeptical at first, but after seeing me sit in it and swing, they all wanted to join in.  By the end of the week it had become their favorite spot to sit and rest from the sun.  They loved it so much I could not get them out of it!  It was hard packing it back up and bringing it back to the states since they loved it so much, but now I know what to buy the boys as a gift next time I go down.

Hammocks in Haiti: Andrew McCraw’s ENO story

Trying out the hammock for the first time.

The orphanage was established just after the earthquake 3 years ago and shelters 15 boys and 1 girl.  Through sponsors in Columbia, SC, each boy is provided with clothing, food, shelter, and a private education.  Teams are sent from our community throughout the year to play with them and do work on the orphanage and in the community.  I wanted to share these photos and let Eno know that their hammock made these boys’ week that much better.  Thanks so much!”

Hammocks in Haiti: Andrew McCraw’s ENO story

If you would like more information on trips like McCraws, or to find out a little but more about what the Haiti Orphan Foundation do, check them our here !

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