Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn

When photographer Jeff Zorabedian sent Merci New York Sarah and Sasha’s engagement session, we were completely captivated by their youthful energy. Not only did we dig Sasha’s vintage frames and Sarah’s eclectic style, we also loved the diverse variety of shapes, textiles and understated architecture captured in this Brooklyn e-session.

But don’t take our word for it… Check out the cute couple as they gallivant around their Fort Greene ‘hood striking a pose, and making even the most mundane of New York City backdrops a perfect {and often playful} prop for their lively love story.

Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn

Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn
Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn Real NYC Engagement Session | Sarah + Sasha in Brooklyn

All photos courtesy of Jeff Zorabedian

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