Ways to Recycle your Engagement Cards 

How to keep your engagement cards. If you are like me you keep pretty paper of all kinds. I'm especially bad with cards. I keep them forever. If you've given me a card- good chance I stil have it.

The lovely bride to-be Marisa, added a twist to the magnet wedding favor magnet post. And I LOVE it!

Instead of recycling all those beautiful engagement cards... re-purpose them into DIY fridge magnets . Keepsakes that will last forever and totally look pretty fun on the fridge.

You can of course make magnets of all your cards. Another fun idea would be to use your engagement card magnets as your wedding favors or even as a part of a scrapbooked wedding guest book .

Ways to Recycle your Engagement Cards 

blah blah

Ways to Recycle your Engagement Cards 

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