How About a Vienna Vlog?

How About a Vienna Vlog?

I’ve been toying with the idea of adding regular vlogs — video blogs. I’m a bit wary about spending too much time on them, since I know that far more people will read my writing than watch my videos (especially those viewing from work — LOVE you!).

So let’s start with a Vienna vlog, where I talk about my first impressions of the city and what it meant to me.

Vienna was a really nice city — one in which I would have loved to spend more time.

I apologize for the sound quality — it drowns out a LOT of key parts, like when I talk about how everyone says Vienna is a mix of old and new. But not everything is drowned out.  (Plus, as bad as the sound is, I’m not going to lie — I looked GOOD that day.  Not deleting it for that reason alone.)



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