Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio

I must admit that it is not just the gorgeous images by Limefish Studio that have me smitten with this couple, but also the way Courtney tells their love story! Rob and Courtney met online and after much trepidation on Courtney’s part, decided to give the relationship a go by meeting for a sushi date. If what happened right after their date wasn’t an indication that these two were a pair, I don’t know what is!

“Let me tell you that… driving with the smile of the most handsome man you’ve ever met plastered across your thoughts is like trying to walk through a minefield with snowshoes on: clumsy and dangerous!  I always prided myself in being a careful driver, having never been in an accident before.  *crumple* What was that?  I shook myself from my thoughts to see that I had driven right into a parked truck.  I couldn’t believe I’d been so teenage starstruck that I got into an accident…with a parked vehicle.  That was my first, and possibly most obnoxious, indication that Rob was a good kind of different.”

Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio Virginia Forest Engagement | Limefish Studio

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