Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market

Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Today marks the second day of Bridal Market in New York. It’s another frenzied day packed with runway shows and fabulous events. While I’m excited for every moment, I’m particularly thrilled to see the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection hit the runway at 3 PM. The new collection is beyond fabulous… and I can say that with utmost confidence because owners Mark Badgley and James Mischka were kind enough to give me {and you, lovely Merci readers!} an exclusive preview of what the world will shortly see this afternoon… Pretty amazing, no? Let’s take a peek.
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market I met Mark and James at their stunning studio, which like their iconic line, is light, bright and ever-glamorous. Even the entryway speaks to their iconic style, with plush layers of white furniture and textural hide rugs accented with regency mirrored glass consoles. Le sigh. But anyway, I digress… Let’s move onward to the bridal fashion…
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Meeting two very famous fashion icons is no easy feat. You immediately get a little starstruck, and hang on their every word. But Mark and James were lovely and gracious. They immediately made me feel at home as we began to walk through the line. {Note: I still hung on their every word. I suppose its the stylist in me}.
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market The gowns were prearranged in run of show order. They had been fitted for the models, but the designers were still getting inspired to tweak some last minute changes onto each of them. This was a fascinating part of the process for me to absorb – like an artist and their painting, Mark and James always thought of little touches before they were “finished.”
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Here I am admiring the amazing hand feel of a beautiful Badgley Mischka gown, and learning about the duo’s inspiration for the collection…
A little known fact: Mark and James just bought a new home on the North Shore of Long Island – the setting for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s glamorous Jazz Age classic, The Great Gatsby. All the gowns that debut on the runway today share that Daisy Buchanan vibe of opulence, wealth and glamour in decidedly different ways. Don’t you just love that? {I did – The Great Gatsby is and will always be my favorite novel}.
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Deco details abound… Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Here, Mark walks me through the line in a way that only a passionate designer could… Remember before when I mentioned hanging on his every word? Well, about half way through the presentation, I could not shut up! Mark had me loving each dress more than the last – and I couldn’t help but be captivated by Mark’s design method. It was a treat to learn the thought process behind every gown. I cannot wait to see them come to live on the runway today. Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Ah the accessories. We have all come to love the way Mark and James maintain their design aesthetic in their ever popular line of shoes and costume jewelry. But are you ready for another secret? Badgley Mischka is about to launch fine jewelry too… and a diamond-based line at that. Sold at Bloomingdales and eventually in bridal salons around the country, the Badgley Mischka fine jewelry line will debut on this afternoon’s runways, beneath the model’s face-covered veils. Cannot wait to see.
Exclusive Pre-Runway Preview of the Badgley Mischka Spring 2012 Bridal Collection | Bridal Market Beneath some shots of today’s soon to be worn gowns is my favorite photo from my visit to see Mark and James… Here, my amazing photographer, Carmen Santorelli, captured Mark mid-gush about our shared love for this amazing rose gold dress that he will pair with the perfect pair of feathered blush heels {I feel a Tuesday Shoesday coming of this, don’t you}? This look is going to be just so darn iconic Badgley Mischka … I’ll be sure to tweet the grand reveal from the runway soon! Be sure to tune in for more!

All photos courtesy of Carmen Santorelli Photography

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