Lovely Lace Wedding Dresses

Lace wedding dresses are making a comeback. If I had to do it all over again, I'd do it in lace. I can hear my husband cringing at the thought of doing it all over again. :)

There is something so gentle and sophisticated about a lace wedding dress.

Here are 5 affordable lace wedding dress favorites.

1. Sparse lace embellishments - for those of us who don't wanna go full lace. A soft modern twist.

Lovely Lace Wedding Dresses

2. Lace and Chiffon so happy together.

Lovely Lace Wedding Dresses

3. Mermaid laceLovely Lace Wedding Dresses

4. Lace and ruffles

Lovely Lace Wedding Dresses

5. Lace wedding dress with sleeves. Lovely Lace Wedding Dresses

Images via david's bridal

Lace dresses are also popping up everywhere as a bridesmaid dress trend.

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