Real Wedding Video: Lori + Michael

Before you hit play – Do you have a tissue {or twelve?}… Because even if you don’t know Lori and Michael personally, you’re going to need it.

The couple was already honeymooning in Thailand when they first saw this clip, and were so tearfully happy with the results, they immediately contacted the studio, crying with thanks and appreciation. We can see why...

If this clip isn’t testament to having an artistic videographer on hand for your wedding day, I’m not quite sure what is. The video was shot and produced by Anastasia Greenberg, wife of Michael Greenberg {owner and artistic director of Phototerra Studio }, and it’s actually her debut work! That being said, we can only imagine what she is capable of next… Enjoy.

Special thanks to mon amie Valerie Windsor , the amazingly talented Montreal-based wedding and event publicist, for sending Lori and Mike to Merci New York and all of our now-teary-eyed readers.

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